Contact Us

The Sandbox Foundation is a private federal tax exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) and Section 509(a).  The foundation is able to receive bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.  Donors can make Tax Deduct Contributions under IRC Section 170.

Initial funding was provided by Rock and Cheryl Kuchenmeister, who have pledged additional contributions to match or exceed all anticipated annual expenses of the foundation for the first five years.  Said expenses would include annual accounting, legal and government fees.  As such, all other contributions will be pooled directly for the benefit of Scholarship/Grant recipients.

Simply put, 100% of incoming contributions

are pooled to fund Scholarships and Grants.


Contributions may be mailed to:

Sandbox Foundation

70237 Mountain Creek

Romeo, Michigan 48065


General inquiries and applications should be submitted by email to: