There is no doubt that 2020 will go down in history as one of the weirdest years in most people’s lives. The same can be said for many businesses, organizations and certainly the Sandbox Foundation itself. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Sandbox Foundation advisors were unable to hold their spring fundraiser. Likewise, not a single Sandbox Foundation scholarship was awarded in person, thus far for 2020.
Recently, advisors of the foundation reviewed the financial status of the organization and elected to award two more college scholarships. At this time, we proudly announce sisters Olivia and Sophia Schultz will be awarded grants from the foundation.
Olivia is being awarded a Barbara Faye Scholarship, while Sophia is being awarded a Wayne Scholarship.
Both sisters will be attending Western Michigan this fall. We look forward to hearing from the Schultz sisters as they attend college during these most interesting Covid-19 times.