Austen Malczewski checks in from MSU

Austen Maczewski was one of two recipients of the Wayne Scholarship in 2017.   He sent us the following message after his first few weeks of college at MSU.


Michigan state is providing me with an amazing experience already. I have been in classes from 25 people to 300 people, I have also been from North campus to South campus (miles apart), I am learning to adapt either way! College has been completely different from high school; change in diversity, crazy amounts of freedom, and the amount of studying required. I am slowly but surely learning the ropes here at Michigan State University, thanks to The Sandbox Foundation scholarship I am able to completely focus on academics this first semester instead of having to work long hours at a minimum wage paying job. Not sure if I told you I was wrestling at Michigan State or not but that has also provided me some cool opportunities as well, such as being on the field for the first home football game of the year. Because of your generosity I have had the opportunity to Walk on to the wrestling team here at MSU. Thanks again it will be forever appreciated!

Click here to read Austen’s profile in MSU’s “Meet the Spartans”