Andrew Selewski, 2020 Kuchenmeister Family Scholarship

Andrew Selewski, proudly displays his Kuchenmeister Family Scholarship certification. Andrew is headed to Western Michigan University to study to become a pilot.

The Kuchenmeister Family Scholarship has been awarded for more than twenty years and is the predecessor of the Sandbox Foundation. All recipients of the Kuchenmeister Family Scholarship are also eligible to apply for the Sandbox Foundation’s “Continuing Scholarship“.

Gavin Kirsh, 2020 Barbara Faye Scholarship

Romeo High School 2020 graduate Gavin Kirsch proudly displays his Barbara Faye scholarship notice, in his Cap and Gown. Gavin is headed to Ferris State University to study Construction Management.

Below is a Gavin’s reply to Sandbox Foundation advisors.

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing  me as the recipient of the Barbara Faye Scholarship. It is a great honor that you have chosen me out of all of the qualified applicants.  I feel greatly blessed to receive this generous scholarship in order to further my education. I look forward to having the opportunity to meet with you so I may thank you in person.

Brooke Bennett, Inspiration Scholarship 2020

Brooke Bennett accepts a 2020 Inspiration Scholarship, on her way to Hope College. Below she sends a note to the foundation.

I would like to thank you so much for this opportunity. I very much look forward to being able to thank you in person for such a generous contribution to my education. It means a great deal to myself and my family that there are foundations like yours looking out for the futures of students like me. I am so very excited to be spending my next four years at a place like Hope where everyone is a family and community is so important. I chose Hope because it reminded me so much of my home in Romeo. I have attached a photo from my first official visit to Hope where I immediately knew that Hope would be my place for the next four years. 

Natali Mladenovik receives 2nd Continuing Scholarship

Natali has been working hard to fast-track her education, at Oakland University. Below she responds the announcement she has received another “Continuing Scholarship”.

I am honored to be selected as a recipient of such a generous foundation. The Kuchenmeister family continues to bless my family, allowing me to continue pursuing my higher education. I have applied to numerous scholarships and never heard back. With this foundation, my voice and my financial concerns are heard. Thus, my dream to become a practicing lawyer can be achieved. Words cannot describe the gratitude I have for the Kuchenmeister family. I am thankful to both Mr. and Mrs. Kuchenmeister and to God for introducing us. Their generosity inspires me, and I look forward to applying such kind and generous morals throughout my personal life. In light of the current economic situation with COVID-19, this scholarship is especially touching. I am so grateful for this opportunity, thank you again to the Kuchenmeister family for this generous gift.